Home > Teens > Hot Topics > Faith & Values Campus Life, March/April 2007 Do You Want What Others Have?
It's not always easy to be content.
Quiz by Katrina L. Cassel
If you've ever enviously eyed your friend's new video iPod or been jealous of someone's prom date, then you know that it's not always easy to follow the Bible's command not to covet (Exodus 20:17). Take this quiz to find out if you're pretty content with what you have, or if this area of your life needs work.
You make the A-B honor roll, but your best friend consistently makes the A honor roll. You know he'll get an academic achievement award at the final assembly. You: A. Are glad for him. He studies hard, and he deserves it.
B. Are glad for him and are getting tutored so you can bring your grades up.
C. Wish you'd get it, even though you didn't put as much effort into your schoolwork as you could have.
D. Hope he doesn't get it. That way, you won't have to hear about how great he feels.
Your neighbor's parents gave her a used car. You're still riding your bike. You:
A. Gripe continually to your parents about how unfair life is.
B. Wish your parents would give in and get you a car.
C. Are saving money so you can buy a car to drive to college.
D. Are happy your parents let you use their car whenever they can.
Your older brother gets to stay out until midnight on the weekends, but you have to be home by 10. You: A. Don't like your curfew, but he's older so it makes sense.
B. Calmly explain some changes you'll make so your parents can trust you with an 11:00 curfew.
C. Wish your parents would give you the same curfew as your brother since you're not that much younger.
D. Hope your brother misses his curfew and gets grounded.
You work out a lot. You try to eat healthy foods. Your friend never exercises and always seems to be eating—but still looks and feels great. You: A. Hope your friend gains a ton of weight next year eating fatty college cafeteria food.
B. Grumble about how "some people" have to work hard to look good.
C. "Joke" that you really enjoy all that time on the treadmill.
D. Know that you're forming good habits, and decide not to compare yourself to others.
You try out for the lead in the play but end up with a small speaking role. You don't quite understand why the director chose the student she chose for the lead role. You:
A. Decide not to be in the play at all.
B. Decide to work hard on making your part the best it can be.
C. Do your best with your part, but hope you'll get a better part next time.
D. Act like you're happy for the student who got the lead.
You ask around and it seems like only fast-food places are hiring for this summer. Then, two people in your youth group talk about how thankful they are to God that they got the last positions at an awesome Christian camp. You: A. Wish you'd thought to apply at a few local camps.
B. Plan to look for something more fun next summer.
C. Hope they get poison ivy.
D. Congratulate them and leave so you don't hear them talk on and on about the camp.
You've gotten a scholarship to the local college. You overhear another student talking about how his dad is paying his way to a prestigious college in another state. You: A. Wish your parents had more money. And that you had better grades.
B. Are thankful that you have a scholarship. If you find some more money, you may be able to graduate without taking out loans.
C. Wonder why some people seem to have all the luck.
D. Are glad for the scholarship, but keep watching the mail for a better offer from your first choice school.
You want to have an awesome birthday bash like your friend just did. Your dad sets the budget at $150. You: A. Ask your friend to help you come up with good ideas and hunt for good prices on food and entertainment.
B. Ask if you can just have the money and forget the party.
C. Think about how much better your party could be if your parents weren't so cheap.
D. Start planning, but drop several hints about needing more money.
Several people from your youth group are going to help build shelters for AIDS orphans in Africa. You need to work this summer to save for your class trip, yearbook, class ring and other things. You: A. Realize that if you're willing to skip a class ring, and make some other cuts, you can probably afford to go on the trip. Maybe it's worth thinking about.
B. Wonder how all the snotty rich kids who don't have to work will survive roughing it over in Africa.
C. Are glad your church is doing this, but think it's not fair that you can't go.
D. Are just glad that you got a summer job so you'll have the money you need next year.
Your friend's family already has two jet skis, but they are planning to replace them with two new ones this year. You:
A. Plan to spend every weekend at your friend's house. If you can't have your own, you might as well enjoy his.
B. Avoid him. You're tired of hearing about all the great stuff he gets.
C. Are happy for him. His family has lots of money, but he's always willing to share what he has.
D. Wish your parents would spend a little more money on fun stuff.
Scoring:1. a. 3 points b. 2 points c. 1 point d. 0 points
2. a. 0 points b. 1 point c. 2 points d. 3 points
3. a. 2 points b. 3 points c. 1 point d. 0 points
4. a. 0 points b. 1 point c. 2 points d. 3 points
5. a. 0 points b. 3 points c. 2 points d. 1 point
6. a. 2 points b. 3 points c. 0 points d. 1 point
7. a. 1 point b. 3 points c. 0 points d. 2 points
8. a. 3 points b. 0 points c. 1 point d. 2 points
9. a. 3 points b. 0 points c. 1 point d. 2 points
10. a. 1 point b. 0 points c. 3 points d. 2 points
0-8 points: You struggle with wanting what others have. If you can't have it, you don't want them to have it either. Don't let yourself become bitter. Instead be thankful for what you do have. Rejoicing with people who are celebrating is part of becoming a mature Christian. Ask God for help in being content.
9-22 points: You know that being happy for others is easier said than done. That's why you sometimes pretend to be happy for a fortunate friend. You also use your desires to motivate you to do better or to work for something you want. Don't stop there. Push yourself, with God's help, to go a step or two further: to give thanks for what you have, and to get excited for someone who's enjoying a blessing. And serve others in need, or teach someone a skill you have. That way, you'll be reminded that you have something to give to others.
23-30 points: You're happy for those who get something you don't have or something that you really want. You've learned that the secret to contentment is to be thankful for what you have. Like Paul, you've "learned the secret of being content in any and every situation" (Philippians 4:12). Grow in that contentment by sharing what you have with others. Consider sponsoring a child through World Vision or Compassion International. One of the best ways to stay content is to share.
Copyright © 2007 by the author or Christianity Today International/Ignite Your Faith magazine.