Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hellllooooooo, I'm back!

So how's everyone? As for me, i am feeling great!! Live each day with much gratefulness and looking forward to the next day... blessings , challenges ... Started a tiny children activity/event in Gymkhana club Miri and this coming weekend would be the 3rd session of fun-filled interactive learning and craft activities. Facebook page   
Coupled with the moral story from Aesop's fables : The Goose that laid golden eggs, weaving the nest and coating the eggs, children will learn what it takes to be patient and what happens when they are not. There will be lots of practical examples for the children to exercise their patience at home and in school.

 These photographs are enough to remind me that it was indeed an exciting day at My PlayGround on Saturdays. Saturdays need not be boring any more...Yeah!!!

More to upload... stay tuned... have a blast!

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